Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The President's Pardoned Turkey.

So, I just heard that Georgie-boy pardoned a turkey from being plucked, stuffed, devoured, and reheated for leftovers. Good for that turkey.

Now what about the others?

You know what I hate more than anything about this time of year? When some jerky guy starts making comments to a live turkey on TV about how "he'd better make a run for it", or "hey, you'd look fabulous on a platter with an apple stickin' outta yo' mouth", or something along those lines. How low do have to go to start hazing your future meals?

I think the same can be said for this hick I saw at the county fair we took our three year old son to this Summer. We were looking at ponies and chickens when someone squealed (yes, I know) about how cute the baby piglet was (now you get it?). I picked up Jack so that he could get look at the newborn little spotted pig with his mother when some asshole stepped in next to us with a beer in hand and turned to his buddy to say, "Hey, Earl! Get a load of this! This little piggy's got some real tender pork chops I like to put some sauce on!"

Oy. What can you do with these people? So half turned in his direction and said passive-aggressively, "Nice, real nice." But he didn't hear me, instead he moved on to drool over a lactating cow.

Happy Thanksgiving. And think of me and the poor turkeys (sp?) sacrificed for our day of glutton....I'm doing better than our feathered friends but I am doing all the cooking this year, wish me luck.


At 23 November, 2005, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Happy Thanksgiving!
You know the mousetraps you posted about below... the mice here are smarter than me. They hold the door open for each other. They mock me I swear they do! And my lazy cats, puh-lease. LOL!
Lois Lane

At 24 November, 2005, Blogger micycle tricycle said...

Happy Thanksgiving to Deb! Wow, look how happy that toikey is with George.. speaking of cunnilingus..

Are you a vegemetarian? If so, have you tried the fantastic Quorn brand fake turkey? It's so convincing that even meat eaters fall for it.


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