Thursday, March 02, 2006

People Magazine's Smelliest Man Alive!

I caught a few minutes of the Baba Wawa Special last night, and it was just enough. Just enough for me to hear about how Matthew McConaughey has not worn deodorant for the last twenty years.

For all the cheap, funky smelling bastards who aren't willing to part with a buck for some Speedstick, Matt's just keeping the dream alive.


On a better smelling note, the renter has a name, and not a mulitple personality disorder like I feared earlier. It's Suzanne. Not "Suuuzzze" or "Annie". It's Suzanne. And her name is not "Susan", though she sometimes goes by "Sue". But she also goes by "Miss Jackson" if you're nasty.

I'm still going to call her by her full two names. I'm formal like that. She even tries to explain her aliasessessss in a recent post. I don't need to do all the talking, here. Go read it for yourself, you goddamn lazy ass. And if you don't like it, you can go sniff Mathew McConaughey's underarms, Armpit-sniffer!


At 02 March, 2006, Blogger Kim said...

ha! My dad just informed me last night that he hasn't used deodorant in years. He said he just splashes isopropyl alcohol on. I don't recall him smelling bad, but then again, I don't ever really sniff him either. Why are men so weird? Thanks for stopping by my site today, nice meeting you!

At 02 March, 2006, Blogger Attila the Mom said...

Oh dear. Another fantasy ruined. LOL

At 02 March, 2006, Blogger KSHIPPYCHIC said...

LMAO!! Visiting from Mel's... I love yer blog!!!

At 02 March, 2006, Blogger KSHIPPYCHIC said...

LMAO!! Visiting from Mel's... I love yer blog!!!

At 03 March, 2006, Blogger Amy said...

I'm not going to make any promises... cause, well, I'm generally a big liar and break my promises anyway, promise... Eh, but - I "think" I might could overlook the potential body odor issues in Matt's case.


At 03 March, 2006, Blogger Secretly Me said...

Ewwww! That's not a very pleasant thought!

Dude, I don't care how hot you are, it don't mean you can ever stink!

At 03 March, 2006, Blogger crumblepie said...

That picture is just hilarious!

At 06 March, 2006, Blogger David Amulet said...

His pants remind me on the leather ones Bon Jovi wore in the "Runaway" video in the 80s. Now that's scary stuff.

-- david

At 06 March, 2006, Blogger Metal Mark said...

I had a college room mate who would use shampoo as soap because he didn't want to buy soap, but someone had given him some shampoo.

At 07 March, 2006, Blogger SK said...

Not only is that disgusting, I heard he wears hair plugs. I'm hoping to run into him around town some time and tug on his hai to see if that's the case. My friends saw him Lance Armstrong downtown but they went into "celeb" shock and couldn't check out the plugs.

Cool blog.. found my way over here from David A's site..

At 07 March, 2006, Blogger Debbie Cakes said...

Wow, I can't believe how many comments this generated.

I should show more famous smelly people and then we can all have fun at their expense. Or ours, since we're the ones who have to suffer the smell.

At 10 March, 2006, Blogger fin said...

so much for that fantasy


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